At each session, which runs for 3 hours members have the use of tools and equipment to make or repair items of their own choice, work alongside other members in the construction of items we have been commissioned to make, make items to sell at tables sales or make items that are required in the shed. There will be at least one supervisor to offer advice and help if required and to make sure members work in a safe manner.

Monthly bike rides around Edinburgh using cycleways and quiet roads for 10 – 15 miles. They are at a leisurely pace and there will be a stop for tea, coffee and cake. We are planning to offer bike maintenance to members of this group.

This is a service that we offer to the general public where we repair items that are broken or damaged instead of them being thrown away. If you enjoy a challenge and solving problems., this the place for you. We charge for materials/parts and ask for a donation to support the workings of the shed.

A bi-weekly lunch where members can get together and have a chat, plan visits, hear invited speakers on topics related to men’s health or play social games such as cards, dominoes, chess etc.

The Shed has a live music band called SPLINTERZ. Members get together once a week to play music and songs that they enjoy. Open to all abilities and instruments. Singers are welcome.

Trustees of the shed meet every two weeks to plan out the running of the shed and to discuss items raised by the members. We currently have a committee of 7.